We know your time is precious and will find the perfect volunteer opportunity to ensure your time creates the maximum impact possible
Running a winning campaign requires a lot of work. Through her years of experience leading all volunteer organizations like the PTA, Tarrah knows that the most important thing is to get as many people to pitch in as possible.
There are many ways you can help the campaign and any of them, of any amount will be greatly appreciated and put to maximum use in introducing Tarrah to new voters and getting out the vote come Election Day on May 6th
We know your time is precious and will find the perfect volunteer opportunity to ensure your time creates the maximum impact possible
Running a campaign costs money. We're running an all volunteer campaign so your money goes directly to voter outreach and campaign expenses like events and yard signs
Meeting new voters and listening to them is the most valuable asset of our campaign. We're focusing on small hosted meet and greet events to reach new voters who don't normally vote in local elections.